Friday, February 19, 2010 By: DAMAI IMPIAN D'BANGI


20 tahun yang penuh bermakna.. menyelusuri onak duri ranjau kehidupan. Menempuh suka duka, susah senang bersama..yang menguji ketabahan hati dan kekuatan iman. Setiap yang mendatang kita begitu tabah menghadapi bersama..demi satu tujuan membina rumahtangga bahagia.

I love you not just for loving me
and filling up my life with beautiful and special moments..
But I love you more for the person you are
Kind hearted, gentle, caring and understand..
And all that I ever wanted in my partner for life

The good times, the bad times, the everyday times
Have taught us...the meanings of caring
I'm so grateful..for the friendship and love..
That we're sharing

And all of the times, we were there
For each other, as partners and lovers and friends.....
Sharing life, moments by moment
Heart to heart, together everyday
Journeying..side by side
Facing the world..hand by hand
Thank you for being my husband.
Anak-anak permata hati...pengikat kasih...penambah seri... hidup ini...


Ibu n Abah said...

Salam yati...
Selamat menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan yang ke 20 tahun. Akak doakan semuga dipanjangkan jodoh hingga ke akhir hayat.

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